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Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen

While ideally it would be best to buy organic and from your local farmers market regularly, this is not always practical due to premium costs, time of season, and inconvenience.

Get familiar with the Environmental Working Groups (EWG) #Clean15 and #DirtyDozen to see which produce is the most heavily sprayed and should ALWAYS be bought organic.

When we buy organic, we greatly decrease our exposure to neurotoxic round-up and other chemical pesticides that poison our body and cause endocrine dysfunction.

In addition, growing organic stresses the food since it has to naturally fight and defend itself from harsh conditions, water and nutrient deficiencies, and injury. STRESSED FOOD HAS MORE NUTRIENT VALUE. The more stressed the food is, the more phytochemicals and antioxidants it contains.

However, when we can't choose organic, I want to share with you an easy cleaning technique you can use on conventionally raised produce. Simply add a couple tablespoons of apple cider or regular vinegar to a medium bowl, or add a full cup to your sink filled with water to remove the waxy resin. Make sure to give it a final rinse and pat it dry before storing!

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