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Get to the Underlying Root Cause to Naturally Lose Weight

Excess weight is a symbol of an unbalanced body. By getting healthier and re-balancing the body, you are naturally able to drop the weight. 🙏🏼 In Natural Medicine, we know that symptoms are not the disease, but represent "dis-ease" or imbalances in the body. Therefore, the only way to get well again and reverse any health condition you may suffer from is to get to the underlying root cause. 🙏🏼 So how do we get to the underlying root cause? See a board certified naturopathic or functional medicine practitioner. Do lab testing. Learn the importance of detoxification. Start cleaning up your nutrition and implementing small lifestyle changes. Small steps are better than no steps in taking your health back. 🙏🏼 While there are a number of reasons (as shown in the diagram above) you may be overweight, there are two main reasons why we gain excess weight in the first place: 🙏🏼 1) CORTISOL DYSFUNCTION (GI stress, infection, environmental stress). I.e. The stress hormone. When we do a poor job of managing external stress, get little sleep, drink lots o' caffeine, or stress our systems by doing these low carb or ketogenic diets long term, we put our body in a "fight or flight" response. When in this state, the body is inefficient at burning body fat, and will crave MORE carbohydrates. If there is a hormone that is king, it would be cortisol = survival hormone. 🙏🏼 2) BLOOD SUGAR DYSFUNCTION. When we eat carbohydrates, they are converted into glucose (sugar) to feed our cells. Our body produces insulin to shuttle glucose into our cells. Without insulin, we would not be able to uptake glucose = type 1 diabetes. What happens if the cells don't get glucose? We can end up in a coma. 🙏🏼 When the ability of transporting glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells is compromised (due to poor dietary choices), we have type 2 diabetes. The longer your blood glucose levels are elevated, the more insulin being pumped into the bloodstream. And if there is insulin in your bloodstream, you WILL NOT be able to tap into body fat for energy. #foodforthought

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