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Farm raised salmon, one of the most toxic foods in the world

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially to those that consciously try to make healthier dietary decisions by eating more fish when choosing meat, or for those that are full pescatarian. The last thing I want to do is discourage everyone that it is impossible to eat healthy.

Unfortunately, if it's not wild, you may be doing more harm than good. Not only do these fish carry a toxic load, but the farm-raised salmon we eat have a much higher ratio of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids than the omega-3 fatty acids we consume oily fish for in the first place.

And even if we only eat wild fish, that does not mean we are in the clear. Our oceans are polluted. Take a look at the article below from @ugly_by_nature to educate yourself on where your food is coming from:

"If you ask the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) they declare it is farmed Salmon. In fact, the EPA recommends that you not eat more than one meal of farmed salmon per month.

It’s important to understand that farm raised fish of ALL species can spell disaster for your health in a number of ways.

First, fish were never meant to eat corn, grains, or poultry and pork for that matter. In addition, farmed fish of all species are also given a dangerous concoction of vitamins, antibiotics, and depending on the fish, and synthetic pigments.

Pollutants found in the fish feed include dioxins, PCBs, and a number of different drugs and chemicals.

Farm-raised salmon contain PCBs which are cancer-causing chemicals at a concentration 16 times higher than wild salmon, and the level of dioxins is also higher, by a factor of 11 fold.

Farmed salmon get filled full of synthetic astaxanthin that no government has ever approved for human consumption. This potentially harmful variety of astaxanthin is used to make salmon flesh look more of a pink color.

Did you know that Farmed Salmon:

Are fed pellets of chicken feces, corn meal, soy, genetically modified canola oil and other fish containing concentrations of toxins

7x the levels of PCB’s as wild salmon?

Contain 30x the number of sea lice.

Are given antibiotics at higher levels than any other livestock."

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