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Juice Plus

I consume these beauties EVERY morning as a part of my daily routine for one simple reason.....

They have a REAL FOOD label. If you could buy them in the grocery store, you would find them in the produce section. They are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (supplements are NOT). In California, food isn't taxed, so neither are these…

Fact: We are nutrient deficient NOT vitamin deficient!

Fact: There is no way you eat 30 different, WHOLE (all parts), vine-ripened, RAW fruits and veggies per day, EVERY day! Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Fact: The one thing that is agreed upon by ALL health practitioners is that vegetables are good for our health. MORE MATTERS!

Fact: We live in a toxic and polluted environment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the PCBs from plastics and heavy metals we indirectly consume from packaging and the environment, and the cosmetics and aesthetics we apply on a daily basis pollute our body and make our liver (our main detoxifying organ) work overtime!

Fact: Toxins are stored in your fat and your body won't let you lose that fat and keep it off until those toxins are gone. Guess how you rid your body of toxins?? TONS of raw plants, which contain phytonutrients that enhance, phase I & II liver detoxification. LOTS of water and other quality lifestyle habits enhance this process as well.

Fact: My mom started my brother and I on these in 7th grade since we were very picky eaters and didn’t like our fruit and vegetables. As an elite athlete, I experienced a LONG list of health benefits from these, until I was able to transition to a more whole food, plant-based diet.

Fact: These are totally safe and beneficial for EVERYONE, including pregnant/nursing mamas, babies, toddlers, kiddos, people taking medications, those battling disease and chronic illness, athletes, and on and on...

Fact: Any product you consume should be backed with research! Know what you are putting into your body is not only a benefit, but has the research to prove it's making an impact.

Interested in learning more? Send me a direct message to get more detailed information

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