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Why you should be using a sauna

I came across this article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) for Internal Medicine and found it too good not to share with you all. It seems that using a sauna does more than just make you sweat.

According to researchers that tracked 2,315 middle-aged Finnish men for 20 years, using a dry sauna 4-7 per week for at least 19 minutes reduced all-cause mortality by 40% Thats 40% less chance of dying from all causes of death, especially cardiovascular related death, the leading cause of mortality worldwide according to the World Health Association (WHO).

If there was a pharmaceutical that could deliver these sort of results, it would be worth trillions of dollars! While the exact mechanisms of this finding are unknown, it comes back to the importance of detoxifying the body on a daily basis. We are constantly exposed to over thousands of synthetic chemicals in our environment. It’s the accumulation of these poisons and morbid matter that lead to lowered vitality and cause us to get sick.

By moving the body and engaging in activities such as sports, interval training, and hot yoga, we raise the core temperature of the body resulting in sweating. Using a sauna is a artificial and beneficial way of doing this which stimulates the lymphatic system and aids the body in phase I and phase II liver detoxification. How many of you use a sauna on a daily basis?

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