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7 Rules for a Healthy Life

I think this is an amazing list of actionable rules to live by for a vibrant, happy, and healthy life.

Healthy living can (and should) be simple. We don’t NEED collagen pepetides, mushroom elixers, a plethora of supplements, Soul Cycle, and sprouted GF/vegan avocado toast to be healthy and well. While I will admit that I am guilty of my own advice, I always have to remind myself that simplicity is just as good.

That said, I do find enjoyment in a number of these things and if something calls you, go for it! Because what is life if you can’t experience it to the fullest? 😉 The last thing we want is the overwhelming anxiety that comes with trying to do too much, leading to resistance.

The body is transient, and most everything is temporary. It's the SUM of our actions, over a life time that leads to chronic imbalances that lead to disease. Disease really is a manifestation of these chronic imbalances in the body. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, that is adequate, balanced, and varied.

What other rules would you add to this list?

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