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Top Natural Pain Killers

Nature hold some of the strongest health remedies known to man. For example, sautéing minced garlic in olive oil over low heat and then placing 2 drops of the cooled oil in the aching ear was used in Greek and Roman medicine thousands of years ago for relief. Chronic inflammation is at the core of all disease pathogenesis and is the immune systems way of signaling that something is wrong. In today’s society, it has become the norm to suppress this “SOS” response instead of addressing the underlying issue as to WHY the body is reacting. Inflammation is a double edge sword. We don’t want too much but we also don’t want too little either. While much of chronic and auto immune disease is due to hyperactivity of the immune system (too much inflammation), too little inflammation can result from a weakened immune system and leave us susceptible to infections, certain cancers, and poor wound healing. So while there are a number of natural anti-inflammatory remedies, treating inflammation is not the end-all-be-all. Inflammation is not a “disease.” Often times botanicals and food hold the powerful medicinal and healing benefits we try to mimic in a pharmaceutical lab everyday. We really can’t outsmart Mother Nature as seen by the myriad of side effects that come with each prescription drug. So next time you reach for a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) such as Advil, refer to this reference guide as a natural alternative.

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