Which nut is Best? Walnuts
Did you know the more brain-like a nut looks, the more bioactive nutrients it carries for your health and wellness? Walnuts, followed by...
Bio individuality
While I don't eat meat everyday, I have learned that my body is more balanced when I occasionally include some lean meats, predominately...
Juice Plus
I consume these beauties EVERY morning as a part of my daily routine for one simple reason..... They have a REAL FOOD label. If you could...
Epigenetics & Food
In today's society, we have been brainwashed into believing that our DNA is our destiny. I.e. Whatever cards we were dealt from mom and...
Food Combining and Choices
When it comes to food choices, combining certain foods can have a huge effect on how well we are able to break down and assimilate the...
What the Health
For those that have not seen the new Netflix documentary "What the Health," I highly recommend it while keeping an open mind. You will...
30 names of MSG no one told you about
When it comes to food additives, MSG or monosodium glutamate, a known neurotoxin, should be avoided at all costs. While this list can...
Heterocyclic Amines
Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are mutagenic carcinogens formed when muscle meat, such as beef,...
Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen
While ideally it would be best to buy organic and from your local farmers market regularly, this is not always practical due to premium...
Farm raised salmon, one of the most toxic foods in the world
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially to those that consciously try to make healthier dietary decisions by eating more fish...